Monday, April 27, 2009

lions and tigers and interior designers, oh my!

Why is it that so many folks out there are intimidated by interiors designers? You trust your latte to your local barista at the cost of a thousand plus dollars a year, but a few hundred bucks to an interior designer is way too much to handle. Is it that they think we are out to spend all their money? A day doesn't go by when I don't see or hear of people making huge costly mistakes when purchasing furniture, selecting floor or wall coverings, or trying to simply space plan their own home or business because they don't understand scale, color, styles or basic space planning. Interior designers are educated, experienced professionals who are here to help make sure that your home or business is an aesthetic and functional representation of you. In reality your interior designer should save you quite a bit of money between extending trade discounts and preventing design mistakes. Go ahead, save yourself some money and headaches and hire an interior designer.
Don't leave your design up to chance.

Got design questions? Need a consultation? Contact me now.

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