Friday, April 17, 2009

best of craigslist: release your inner golden girl!

Bamboo and Wicker may not just be for those four crazy Florida gals anymore! But perhaps it should be the judge!

Wicker runs abundant on the Free and Furniture sale posts on Craigslist. It's being described from anywhere to "vintage" "antique" "modern" to "lovely" "handcrafted" "nice" and "comfy." Wicker seems to be to be more decorative than functional furniture, especially when it comes to such things as living room furniture. I don't know how comfy I've ever been lying on a hard surface, with pieces of wicker poking me in the backside and making noise everytime I move, but...some of the antique pieces are quite elaborate. And new, modern designs give wicker an updated, and perhaps comfier, look. Postings from Pier 1 and Pottery Barn offer colors and designs suited for today, while the true "Golden Girl" can still find the elegance that perhaps once was wicker furniture.

The chaise lounge pictured here in particular caught my eye, and the seller writes, "Lady's chaise lounge from an earlier time. Built to allow a lady to recline in a full skirt but still easily arise on the left side. (notice the shorter left armrest). A one-of a kind find...the real thing." She ends with, "Come see and bring cash." $199 to be exact. Now is that very lady like?

And it's worth mentioning how versitle wicker can be. Take a look here. Ok, this may look more like Sophia's purse, but apprently it is for sale as a pet carrier.

Now onto Bamboo. Bamboo is what I feel the wood of the future! Although technically a weed (thank you Michelle!) and not? native to the U.S., bamboo is becoming more widely used in place of wood from trees, which goes without saying, saves trees! So why not embrace it in furniture design? Blanche certainly had no problem with it! She might even be considered ahead of her time! Or maybe bamboo furniture is just mandatory if you have something called a Lanai.....

In conclusion, Bamboo and Wicker may seem outdated, or strictly reserved to those who go to tropical locations to retire, but don't think we've seen the last of it! Bamboo especially has countless uses, and once you plant it, it can't be stopped! So go ahead, if it's good enough for Dorothy, Blanche, Rose, and Sophia, it's good enough for anyone! Oh, just don't forget the cheesecake. And yes, it's one stop shopping, it too can be found on Craigslist. Brett's Cheesecakes, starting at just $15....and they even deliver, right to your bamboo lounger.

1 comment:

Michelle J. said...

Well, bamboo is actually a grass... you get to decide if it is a weed or not :)

I actually just learned a few things about bamboo. Did you know that bamboo grows so fast, the shoots can grow through a person? Rumor has it that it was a form of torture during WWII. Look it up on Mythbusters on YouTube. Also, most bamboo will mass flower after 60 to 120 years, then all die at once. Useless facts to know and share!