Sunday, April 19, 2009

lo and behold! glamour is the next domino mag

A few months ago I was sad to learn that my March Domino magazine was going to be my last. Domino was the second of my shelter magazines to go under in the last 6 months, with Home as the first. With my final Home magazine I had received a note that they would be transferring the remainder of my subscription over to Metropolitan Home, as well as a contact number if I would like a different magazine instead. With my final Domino I got nothing. From the appearance and content, you'd never even know it was the end for the 4-year-young shelter mag. Looking online for any information is pointless as well since all they do now is suggest you check out Condé Nast’s last remaining shelter magazine, Architectural Digress, oops, I mean Digest, you know that magazine with a median reader age of 50.
Lo and behold! Yesterday I received a plain little white postcard letting me know that they will be sending me Glamour for the remainder of my subscription. Really? Glamour in place of Domino? My favorite line of the post card is "Like Domino, (Glamour's) geared toward smart, style-savvy women like you, with inspiration and tips on fashion, hair & beauty, health & diet, and sex & relationships." Yeah, sounds just like Domino. Um, no thanks. Seems I'll be spending my Monday morning calling that 1-800 number at the bottom looking for a refund.

What I just don't get is, if it is the economic crisis that's leading these magazines to fold, why are we left with those magazines full of $10,000 sofas in 2 million dollar plus homes? Guess they are the folks that still have the money to spend.

1 comment:

Brooke T said...

I sooooo miss Domino. Curses to Conde Nast for letting this one go.