Thursday, June 18, 2009

wonderously white at west elm

Well, before I can even get started on my new post, again having to do with West Elm, I have to make mention about an event every West Elm store is holding tomorrow, Saturday, June 20th. Attending 'Make Space: A Design Seminar on Making the Most of Every Space' will be your opportunity to learn how to get more from your living space, be among the first to see West Elm's exciting and versatile pre-fall collection and receive 10% off any purchases you make that day, just for attending our workshop. The start time of this event differs with each location so make sure to call your local West Elm to check times and to RSVP.

West Elm, Emeryville

Now moving on... While spending a bit of time on the West Elm website checking out my future desk, I discovered a number of wonderful white ceramic vases. As many of you know I am a sucker for white accessories of all sorts, especially vases. I just love how clean and graphic they look against any paint color or wood finish, filled with colorful flowers, fruit or just left empty as an art piece.

Got a favorite?


Michelle J. said...

I like the two honeycomb ones & the tapered one next to them. So cute! And SO Melissa!

melissa @ den design studio said...

got to say, the honeycomb vases are my favorite as well. just a little bummed to find out that the larger of the two is no longer available. boo.