Monday, May 4, 2009

what makes may red hot?

It's time again for Target to update their Red Hot Shop and for a list of my new favorites.

Here's what isn't so red hot first. I checked in on Friday, May 1st to see what was new and unfortunately the site hadn't been undated yet, but when I checked in today, just two days later, I found one item that makes my top 3 list already sold out. I am a total sucker for all the fun items Fred & Friends bring us, so of course I would have loved to have had the chance to snag the adorable Half Pint mini carton creamer. Looks like I'll be looking else where for that one.
I was also immediately drawn to the Fish Bowl Bookend Set's appearance, but not its price tag. For some unknown reason I love goldfish as a home decor accessory, in theory that is. Once I get them into my home I soon remember that you have to feed them and clean their bowl (they'll thank you for it). I love the idea of this piece, since each bowl is flat on one side and therefore rests flush upon the books, but for $60 I think I could handle two more affordable fish bowls as bookends (try two REKTANGEL vases from IKEA for a total of $4.98).My third find is perfect for an apartment like mine with no personal gardening space. The Mini Garden provides you with everything you need to grow your own little garden of clover, cress, lettuce and mustard. It's almost instant gratification, too, since it says it should sprout in just three days. Anyone know where I can get myself a green thumb to go with it?

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