Sunday, May 10, 2009

one down and one to go

***Update: May 12***
My professor liked it, a lot. There is no grade posted yet, but here are her words:
What a great job. The seating arrangements, kitchen areas and restrooms seem to work very well. The furniture and materials that you selected create a wonderful atmosphere for the neighborhood restaurant and the new logo provides an updated look that would be welcomed. The perspectives are the perfect addition and would allow the client to imagine what the space would feel like, a very important tool.

The boards are well organized and consistent. You really created a cohesive design and met the needs of the client program.

Here's a peek at the result of my last 14 weeks. This is the final project for my 'Material Use' class. The assignment was a remodel and redesign (floor plan, finishes, furnishings, lighting and even logo) of Ella's, an existing restaurant in San Francisco. My goal with the redesign was to modernize and brighten up the space as it is currently quite heavy and dark. I'll let you all know how I did when I get my feedback.
What do you think?

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