Saturday, March 28, 2009

Vote Earth! Earth Hour 2009

Tonight is the night to give a little something back to the planet we call home. From 8:30PM to 9:30PM local time wherever you live is Earth Hour. Time to finally light all those candles you've been collecting all year, read your book by "itty bitty" book light instead of by a ceiling full of recessed cans or simply turn off all the unnecessary lights in your home or business. Why not continue to give back by taking the hour to switch out your incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs. Make sure to then to properly recycle your old bulbs (try your local IKEA, they are big on recycling all sorts of items).

Here a just a couple of fun ways to show your support of Earth Hour:
  • Take a photo of you, your friends and family participating in Earth Hour and upload it to the Earth Hour flickr group, making sure to tag it with your city and country.
  • Posting a video on YouTube labeling it "Earth Hour" or "Earth Hour 2009."
Enjoy your night and the earth thanks you for it.

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