Thursday, May 20, 2010

a hairy situation

Those of you who know me know I am a fan of facial hair . . . not on me, but on my men of course. So, when I saw this totally fabulous print at Urban Outfitters I just knew I had to have it for my colorless little bathroom.

The World Needs More Stache - Urban Outfitters

Well, when I first saw it there was only one left and the frame (yup, it comes with the frame) was quite damaged, so I passed on it. Oh yeah and they wanted full price for it, $38 bucks. Lucky for me when I did a little online search for it the other day, there it was on the Urban Outfitters site, on sale for $19.99. I gave a call to the other store in my area to see if they had any instock and sure enough they did and on sale as well. So, now my previously all-white, blah bathroom will have a pop of color and a sense of humor to go with it. Photos of its new home will be up soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now you just need a moustache cup and a can of barbasol on the back of the toilet! xo, Mom