Monday, July 13, 2009

carrying your cards in style

I try to never leave the house without at least a few of my business cards as you never know when someone will want one. Just this weekend I was at a friend's wedding where I was seated with a bunch of strangers who turned out to be a very creative group. One of these strangers was the wedding photographer and a high school friend of the bride. An accomplished photographer is always a great connection to make in the design field, so I made sure to exchange cards. I soon found that my card itself was not the only thing to catch her eyes, my card case did as well. I have the pleasure of carrying my cards around in the AcmeStudio Eames chair card case. Chair on the business card and chairs on the card case... I think it says "I love furniture."
AcmeStudio Eames Chair Card Case

Thinking about this got me interested in looking for other card cases that make a statement. Here are a few that caught my attention.
Domo Card Holder - SydneyAngel on Etsy

What do you carry your business cards in? Found a case that makes you smile?

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